Nov 09

Followed Guide:

Commands to create SQL and Snipe-It Containers (docker ps – to list containers)

Create your env.txt file and make a note of the full path to it on the machine

Create SQL Container:

docker run –name snipe-mysql –env-file=my_env_file –mount source=snipesql-vol,target=/var/lib/mysql -d -P mysql:5.6


Create Snipe-IT container (without SSL) 

docker run -d -p 80:80 –name=”snipeit” –link snipe-mysql:mysql –env-file=my_env_file –mount source=snipe-vol,dst=/var/lib/snipeit snipe/snipe-it:latest


Create Snipe-IT container (with SSL)

docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 443:443 –name=”snipeit” –link snipe-mysql:mysql –mount source=snipe-vol,dst=/var/lib/snipeit –env-file=my_env_file snipe/snipe-it


Copy the SSL certificate (if using SSL) 

docker cp snipeit-ssl.crt snipeit:/var/lib/snipeit/ssl/snipeit-ssl.crt

docker cp snipeit-ssl.key snipeit:/var/lib/snipeit/ssl/snipeit-ssl.key


Run the docker in command line to get APP_KEY

docker run –rm snipe/snipe-it


Output will show (actual key will be different than this example):

Please re-run this container with an environment variable $APP_KEY

An example APP_KEY you could use is: 



Add the resulting APP_KEY to the env.txt file and generate the container again

Restore the backup file from the previous installation

scp <> <username>@<hostname>:<destination path>

Copy the Backup to :/var/www/html/storage/app/backups/

docker cp snipeit:/var/www/html/storage/app/backups/


Copy the Public and Storage files from the previous installation

docker cp /path/to/storage/private_uploads-folder snipeit:/var/lib/snipeit/data

docker cp /path/to/public/uploads-folder snipeit:/var/lib/snipeit/data/


Restore the DB in the GUI

You will get a 500 error, just go back in the browser and login again

Apr 10

Every time my display went to sleep, my audio output changed to HDMI (from the line out that I wanted).  After many scripts and temporary fixes, this is how I ended up fixing it.

Open Terminal and run this command: Sudo apt install pavucontrol

Then launch the newly installed PulseAudio Volume Control.  Scroll Right until you get to the Configuration tab.  Set the profile for the appropriate audio device and set the others to “Off”.

Feb 15

Have a PC that is crawling with malware.  Tron is your friend!

Mar 06

Trying to mount a windows share into Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.  I could run the following command just fine:

sudo mount -t cifs -o domain=workgroupname,username=myname,password=mypassword // /media/music

But of course would lose the map on reboot.  So install “sudo apt-get install cifs-utils” and then Everytime I tried to add to fstab and “sudo mount -a” I would get the mount error(13) permission denied.

What fixed it was changing the sec on my command to “ntlmsspi”.  Hope this helps someone else.  So my command in fstab (/etc/fstab) is

// /media/music cifs username=myname,domain=workgroupname,password=mypassword,
iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlmsspi 0 0

Now that you have this working you need to create a .smbcredentials file in the /root directory to contain and hide my credentials,

Enter your Windows username and password in the file:


“sudo chmod 700” that file.  and change the fstab line command to :

// /media/music cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlmsspi 0 0

Jun 09
  1. Boot with Knoppix live disk or usb
  2. Open a terminal window in Knoppix
  3. Type “sudo sfdisk -l” to see what your disk (that you want to wipe) is mounted as (example – sda1)
  4. Type “sudo shred -vfz -n 100 /dev/sda1” – IMPORTANT – Substitute the disk name learned from above command.  Note that the 100 is the number of passes (and can be changed)
Aug 18

I keep all my sensitive documents encrypted in Truecrypt volumes (don’t you?).  But I ran into a problem when I wanted to share a Truecrypt volume across my home network.  I had to setup the share every time I mounted the volume.

Then it hit me; my flaw was that I was trying to set up a share within the Truecrypt volume.  I needed to set up a share and then mount the TC volume inside that share.  But you can’t mount a Truecrypt volume to a directory.  Humm….

Enter Hardlink Shell Extension.  HSE will let you create Volume Mount Points in Windows.  That will let you “map complete local volumes onto arbitrary disk locations”.  So you can create a VMP (as a folder) and point it at the drive letter of your TC volume.  That way whenever you mount the TC volume to that drive letter, it will already be shared.

After installing the HSE, Mount your TC volume, right-click, and select “Pick Link Source”


Now go to the drive you are going to set up your shared folder and right click.  Then select “Drop As…” and “Volume Mountpoint”.


Now just share the resulting folder.

When you mount the TC volume (or any TC volume for that matter) to the drive letter you selected as your “Link Source” it will be shared.


Apr 15

I found a great article about a script to mount a TrueCrypt Volume on Windows here.  It also detailed a script to unmount the volume.

I decided to improve on it a bit, and allow the same script to mount and unmount the volume (by testing to see if the volume is mounted).  I did not include his password parameter because TrueCrypt will ask for the password anyway. And I really don’t want to code my password into any script.

So here is the script:

REM TrueCrypt mounting script (version 2)
REM Based on script Written by Mark Ursino (
REM Modified by Zen (
REM Modifications are allowed, but please include these comments
@echo off

set TrueSource=I:\TrueCrypt\truecrypt
set Source=I:\
set Drive=O:

IF EXIST “%Drive%” goto unmount

“%TrueSource%” /v “%Source%” /l “%Drive%” /m /a /p /q
explorer.exe “%Drive%”
goto end

“%TrueSource%” /d”%Drive%” /q
goto end


TrueSource is the location of your truecrypt.sys file (from the stand-alone version of TrueCrypt)
Source is the source of your TrueCrypt file
Drive is the drive letter you want to mount the file to

Jan 31

All credit has to go to Cory Webb:
I just added a few steps. Feel free to comment below.

Step 1: Backup everything!

The first thing you want to do is backup all files within your Joomla! installation. Create a folder on your local system, and download all files to that folder using your ftp client application. I used FileZilla as my ftp client application to download all of my files to a folder on my desktop I named “howtojoomla”.

Step 2: Export your database

Note: For this step, it really helps if you have phpMyAdmin installed on your server. Most hosting companies have phpMyAdmin already installed. If you are unsure, ask your hosting provider.

The second thing you need to do is export your Joomla! database. The best thing to do is to export it into an SQL file, which makes importing it easier in a later step. An SQL file will contain all of the necessary SQL commands for creating your database tables and filling them with your data. Be sure you export the entire database.

1) go to your PHP MyAdmin panel

2) Select the Database which you want to Backup

3) Click the Export Tab

4) Click Select all for tables on Export

5) Choose SQL at export type

6) For Structure, select “Add AUTO_INCREMENT value, and “Enclose table…”

7) For Data, select “Complete inserts”, “Extended inserts” and “Use hexadecimal for binary fields”

8) Select “Save as File” and no compression. Click Go and save sql file

9) Go to new PHP MYAdmin panel

10) Create a new DB of the same name

11) Click Import Tab

12) Select File and click Go to import the sql file

13) Go back to the new PHP MyAdmin panel, and select Privileges

14) Add user (should be same username and password of your old DB), and host

15) Select Grant all privileges…

16) Next to Global Privileges, click Check All to check all the privileges.


Step 3: Modify configuration.php

This step is very important. Go to the folder on your local system to which you downloaded all of your Joomla! files. In the first level folder, you will find the file named “configuration.php”. Open this file with a text editor and make the necessary changes. Your variables may be different, so find the variables that contain these settings and change them. At the very least, you will probably need to change the following parameters:

  • $mosConfig_absolute_path: This is the absolute server path to your new Joomla! installation. It will probably look something like “/path/to/joomla/installation”.
  • $mosConfig_cachepath: This is the absolute server path to the cache for your Joomla! installation. It will probably look something like “/path/to/joomla/installation/cache”.
  • $mosConfig_live_site: This is your website’s url. It will be something like “”.
  • $mosConfig_host: This is the location of the server that hosts your MySQL database. For most instances, this value will be “localhost”. If you are unsure, ask your hosting provider.
  • $mosConfig_db: This is the name of your MySQL database.
  • $mosConfig_user: This is the database user name. Make sure this user has all privileges on your database.
  • $mosConfig_password: This is the password for your MySQL database user.

Step 4: Upload all of your files to your new server

Using an ftp client application (like FileZilla), upload all of your files to the location on your new server where you want to install Joomla!.

Step 5: Test your new installation

Your move should now be complete, but please don’t take my word for it. Test your site to make sure that everything is in it’s proper place and working the way you expect it to. For example, if you did not use relative url’s for your links on your old site, they will not work properly on your new site.

Oct 24

This is where I will catalog some of my favorite software

7-ZipCommand-line and Windows shell utility for manipulating ZIP archives

Audacity – The Free, Cross-Platform Sound Editor

AudioGrabber – a great, and simple CD to MP3 Ripping software

CamStudio – Free Video Screen Capture Software

Clamwin – Free Software Open Source Virus and Spyware Scanner

Folder2ISO – creates an iso from any kind of folder (with the subfolders).

Hardlink – Split directories up to Span CD/DVD

Icons from File – Ever wanted to extract the icon from an exe file? No? Well, here is the program anyway.

ISORecorder – Free CD Image Burner and CD to CD Copier program for Windows

NTSFLink – a set of Windows Shell Extensions which hook into Explorer, providing extended functionality for creating and using hard links, as well as junction points on NTFS file systems.

Nvu – A complete Web Authoring System

Pandora’s Jar – to “time-shift” Pandora internet radio

ScreenRecoder from UltraVNC – A free Screen Recorder software package

SDP Multimedia – If you want to save a streaming Microsoft video (like an ASX playlist), then this is the tool you need

UltraVNC – VNC that will authenticate users via ldap or AD.

VDownloader – If you want to save that great Google Video or YouTube video, you need this tool

Xenu’s Link Sleuth – Find broken links on your site – Web-based File Converter

Jun 26

Why would you want to, you ask?  Because FLAC is a Lossless Format.  So your music sounds much better.

First you will need the FLAC Codec (Here)

Then you will need a ripper, I use Audiograbber (Here) 

Then you will need the Codec to play (Here) 
