Jan 17

I have a older program who’s backup process is a bit flaky.   And there is no notification to me on whether it actually backed up or not.   Then I ran across this little program called Blat (www.blat.net), and it gave me an idea.  I now have a script that runs after the scheduled backup window (via Task Scheduler) to check to see if the file is actually in the backup folder and if not, to email me.

Here is the script:

If exist “\\server\share$\backups\*.zip” goto Worked
: DidNotWork
<path to blat>\blat.exe – -body “Backup did not work!!!” -to <email> -server <emailserver>-f <from email address> -subject “Backup did not work!!!”

Just change the items in the bracket <> and the subject and body (if you want to).

Jan 11

First you will need the Template Files.  They can be downloaded here: http://dl.google.com/dl/edgedl/chrome/policy/policy_templates.zip
(If you are not familiar with how to install ADM/ADMX files in Active Directory, see this guide.)

Once you have installed the template, go to Computer Configuration \ Policies \ Administrative Templates \ Classic… \ Google \ Google  Chrome and enable “Configure the list of force-installed extensions”:



And Click the “Show…” button:

And fill in the Value with the ID of the extension followed by the update url.  (The extension ID is the 32-letter string found e.g. on chrome://extensions when in developer mode.)

Example: gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom;https://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx



Find ID in Chrome:
