Mar 14

To update an image in Google Slides via a URL every day, you can use Google Apps Script. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. Open the Google Slides presentation where you’ve inserted the image via URL.
  2. Click on Tools > Script editor. This will open a new tab with the Google Apps Script editor.
  3. In the script editor, paste the following code:
    function updateImage() {
    var slide = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation().getSlides()[0]; // Change the slide index if needed
    var imageUrl = “INSERT_IMAGE_URL_HERE”; // Replace with your image URL
    var image = slide.getImages()[0]; // Change the image index if needed
  1. Replace “INSERT_IMAGE_URL_HERE” in the code with the URL of the image you want to update.
  2. Save the script with a name (e.g. “Update Image Script”).
  3. Click on the clock icon in the script editor toolbar to open the Triggers dialog.
  4. Click on the “Add Trigger” button.
  5. In the “Run” dropdown, select the name of your function (“updateImage”).
  6. In the “Select event type” dropdown, select “Time-driven.”
  7. Set the time interval you want the image to be updated (e.g. every day at 9:00 AM).
  8. Click on the “Save” button to create the trigger.

That’s it! Now the script will run every day at the specified time and update the image in the first slide of your Google Slides presentation with the new URL you’ve provided.

Jan 07
  1. Make a folder in your main account’s Drive an name it whatever you want (I use <account> Drive)
  2. On your other Drive account, share you folder or folders with your main account with permission of “Can edit”
  3. Back in your main account, go to the “Shared with me” section and drag the shared folder(s) from your other account int the folder you made in step 1

That’s it, now you can access other accounts in Drive from the one account.

Aug 30

If you use chrome in a Digital Display or Kiosk setting, it can be annoying that you will get the “chrome didn’t shut down correctly” if, in fact, chrome did not shut down correctly.  I was finally able to figure out a way to get rid of that message.

I am using the “C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” –kiosk  command in the windows startup folder to launch the browser.  So I simply added the –incognito command as well, and voila! no more message.  So the full command is:

“C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” –incognito –kiosk


Jan 11

If you already run AdBlock, then when you run Spiceworks you are left with a blank space on the right of the screen. Run this userscript (chrome users) to remove that blank area!

Hat tip to (

Apr 26

Without tweetymail or tiwttermail or posterous or any other 3rd party solution.  This solution should have been easier to find.  So thought I’d write it up here.

I run a website for a non-profit, and we use Google Calendar for our events on our website.   We also have a Facebook page and a Twitter account (of course).  I linked our Facebook page to Twitter acct (  So now all I have to do is to post to Facebook and it automatically gets Tweeted as well.

So I wanted our google calendar to send reminders of events to Facebook and thus Twitter as well.

1) Find your secret email address

  • for personal profiles
  • For “Pages”: edit your page and go to the “Mobile” link on the left to get the email address

2) Set up a Gmail Filter to forward reminders to your secret Facebook email address.  This will send an verification code to your FB page.  You will need to get that code off (to verify the forwarding address) and then delete the post.  I don’t know of a better way.

3) Create a filter for Calendar Reminders:

  • From:
  • Has the words: [Reminder]
  • Doesn’t have: notweet (I added this to have the option to not post some events/reminders)

Now all you need to do is to setup email reminders on your Google Calendar events!

May 08

This is a great article for protecting your exposure on Facebook.

10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know

Jan 31

All credit has to go to Cory Webb:
I just added a few steps. Feel free to comment below.

Step 1: Backup everything!

The first thing you want to do is backup all files within your Joomla! installation. Create a folder on your local system, and download all files to that folder using your ftp client application. I used FileZilla as my ftp client application to download all of my files to a folder on my desktop I named “howtojoomla”.

Step 2: Export your database

Note: For this step, it really helps if you have phpMyAdmin installed on your server. Most hosting companies have phpMyAdmin already installed. If you are unsure, ask your hosting provider.

The second thing you need to do is export your Joomla! database. The best thing to do is to export it into an SQL file, which makes importing it easier in a later step. An SQL file will contain all of the necessary SQL commands for creating your database tables and filling them with your data. Be sure you export the entire database.

1) go to your PHP MyAdmin panel

2) Select the Database which you want to Backup

3) Click the Export Tab

4) Click Select all for tables on Export

5) Choose SQL at export type

6) For Structure, select “Add AUTO_INCREMENT value, and “Enclose table…”

7) For Data, select “Complete inserts”, “Extended inserts” and “Use hexadecimal for binary fields”

8) Select “Save as File” and no compression. Click Go and save sql file

9) Go to new PHP MYAdmin panel

10) Create a new DB of the same name

11) Click Import Tab

12) Select File and click Go to import the sql file

13) Go back to the new PHP MyAdmin panel, and select Privileges

14) Add user (should be same username and password of your old DB), and host

15) Select Grant all privileges…

16) Next to Global Privileges, click Check All to check all the privileges.


Step 3: Modify configuration.php

This step is very important. Go to the folder on your local system to which you downloaded all of your Joomla! files. In the first level folder, you will find the file named “configuration.php”. Open this file with a text editor and make the necessary changes. Your variables may be different, so find the variables that contain these settings and change them. At the very least, you will probably need to change the following parameters:

  • $mosConfig_absolute_path: This is the absolute server path to your new Joomla! installation. It will probably look something like “/path/to/joomla/installation”.
  • $mosConfig_cachepath: This is the absolute server path to the cache for your Joomla! installation. It will probably look something like “/path/to/joomla/installation/cache”.
  • $mosConfig_live_site: This is your website’s url. It will be something like “”.
  • $mosConfig_host: This is the location of the server that hosts your MySQL database. For most instances, this value will be “localhost”. If you are unsure, ask your hosting provider.
  • $mosConfig_db: This is the name of your MySQL database.
  • $mosConfig_user: This is the database user name. Make sure this user has all privileges on your database.
  • $mosConfig_password: This is the password for your MySQL database user.

Step 4: Upload all of your files to your new server

Using an ftp client application (like FileZilla), upload all of your files to the location on your new server where you want to install Joomla!.

Step 5: Test your new installation

Your move should now be complete, but please don’t take my word for it. Test your site to make sure that everything is in it’s proper place and working the way you expect it to. For example, if you did not use relative url’s for your links on your old site, they will not work properly on your new site.

Dec 12

4Info – will send free text messages to your phone based on alerts you set up.  I use the Sports updates all the time! 

Check it out!

Nov 01

I will just list the Web sites that I find usefull: – Online radio that you train to only play music you like – will monitor for changes on a page an email you. – will perform tons of file conversions

May 20

To “Timeshift” pandora radio, you need Pandora’s Jar.  It can be a bit complicated to get started, until now.

Here are the Windows installers to get Pandora’s Jar working.

Here is the Forum:

Updated: 9/30/2010
