Jan 27

To get the (now missing) rss link from a search you must now just add “&_rss=1” to the end of the resulting URL you get while searching.

Jan 22

HandBrake can through error messages and give you no options (blank) in the Title drop-down because it cannot get past the Content Scramble System (CSS).  Or the resulting video is all garbled.

The best solution I have found is to install XBMC somewhere (doesn’t have to be on the same machine) and copy the libdvdcss-2.dll file out of the XBMC\system\players\dvdplayer folder and into the Handbrake installation folder.

Update: Easiest to just copy the libdvdcss-2.dll from here: http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.11/win64/libdvdcss-2.dll 
Rename it to libdvdcss.dll and copy it to the HandBrake installation folder.

That seems to allow HandBrake to read and rip the disk properly.

Jan 07
  1. Make a folder in your main account’s Drive an name it whatever you want (I use <account> Drive)
  2. On your other Drive account, share you folder or folders with your main account with permission of “Can edit”
  3. Back in your main account, go to the “Shared with me” section and drag the shared folder(s) from your other account int the folder you made in step 1

That’s it, now you can access other accounts in Drive from the one account.
