Mar 14

To update an image in Google Slides via a URL every day, you can use Google Apps Script. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. Open the Google Slides presentation where you’ve inserted the image via URL.
  2. Click on Tools > Script editor. This will open a new tab with the Google Apps Script editor.
  3. In the script editor, paste the following code:
    function updateImage() {
    var slide = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation().getSlides()[0]; // Change the slide index if needed
    var imageUrl = “INSERT_IMAGE_URL_HERE”; // Replace with your image URL
    var image = slide.getImages()[0]; // Change the image index if needed
  1. Replace “INSERT_IMAGE_URL_HERE” in the code with the URL of the image you want to update.
  2. Save the script with a name (e.g. “Update Image Script”).
  3. Click on the clock icon in the script editor toolbar to open the Triggers dialog.
  4. Click on the “Add Trigger” button.
  5. In the “Run” dropdown, select the name of your function (“updateImage”).
  6. In the “Select event type” dropdown, select “Time-driven.”
  7. Set the time interval you want the image to be updated (e.g. every day at 9:00 AM).
  8. Click on the “Save” button to create the trigger.

That’s it! Now the script will run every day at the specified time and update the image in the first slide of your Google Slides presentation with the new URL you’ve provided.

Mar 06

Trying to mount a windows share into Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.  I could run the following command just fine:

sudo mount -t cifs -o domain=workgroupname,username=myname,password=mypassword // /media/music

But of course would lose the map on reboot.  So install “sudo apt-get install cifs-utils” and then Everytime I tried to add to fstab and “sudo mount -a” I would get the mount error(13) permission denied.

What fixed it was changing the sec on my command to “ntlmsspi”.  Hope this helps someone else.  So my command in fstab (/etc/fstab) is

// /media/music cifs username=myname,domain=workgroupname,password=mypassword,
iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlmsspi 0 0

Now that you have this working you need to create a .smbcredentials file in the /root directory to contain and hide my credentials,

Enter your Windows username and password in the file:


“sudo chmod 700” that file.  and change the fstab line command to :

// /media/music cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlmsspi 0 0

Jan 18

I won’t get into the security implications of doing this, but just the 2 methods I have found to get it done.  My use case was a simple single digital sign that no one had physical access to, and popped this up on every scheduled or unscheduled reboot.

  1. If you don’t mind entering a password on boot, then go to User Accounts and set “automatic login” to off.
  2. If you want it to auto login and still not ask for the login keyring (again forgoing the security lecture), go into your “Startup Programs” and uncheck the Keyrings from starting.


Jun 09
  1. Boot with Knoppix live disk or usb
  2. Open a terminal window in Knoppix
  3. Type “sudo sfdisk -l” to see what your disk (that you want to wipe) is mounted as (example – sda1)
  4. Type “sudo shred -vfz -n 100 /dev/sda1” – IMPORTANT – Substitute the disk name learned from above command.  Note that the 100 is the number of passes (and can be changed)
Apr 26

Without tweetymail or tiwttermail or posterous or any other 3rd party solution.  This solution should have been easier to find.  So thought I’d write it up here.

I run a website for a non-profit, and we use Google Calendar for our events on our website.   We also have a Facebook page and a Twitter account (of course).  I linked our Facebook page to Twitter acct (  So now all I have to do is to post to Facebook and it automatically gets Tweeted as well.

So I wanted our google calendar to send reminders of events to Facebook and thus Twitter as well.

1) Find your secret email address

  • for personal profiles
  • For “Pages”: edit your page and go to the “Mobile” link on the left to get the email address

2) Set up a Gmail Filter to forward reminders to your secret Facebook email address.  This will send an verification code to your FB page.  You will need to get that code off (to verify the forwarding address) and then delete the post.  I don’t know of a better way.

3) Create a filter for Calendar Reminders:

  • From:
  • Has the words: [Reminder]
  • Doesn’t have: notweet (I added this to have the option to not post some events/reminders)

Now all you need to do is to setup email reminders on your Google Calendar events!

Sep 05

I never could find a good script to check to see if a Macromedia Contribute key had been installed for a user on a machine, and if not then to run the key. So I made one. This one is for Contribute 2, but I think it will work with 3 (if you change the Site folder to 3). And it assumes that the user will only be running one Site. I make the Contribute Icon/Shortcut point to this script.

You will need to change “h:\” to the location of your key. You will need to save the following script as a .vbs

Set objFSO = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
Set objNetwork = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Network”)
strUserName = objNetwork.UserName
If objFSO.FileExists(“C:\Documents and Settings\” & strUserName & “\Local Settings\Application Data\Macromedia\Contribute 2\Sites\Site1\_mm\contribute.xml”) Then
Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject (“”) “””C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Contribute 2\Contribute.exe”””, 6, True
set wshshell = nothing
Wscript.Echo “Your Contribute Key needs to be installed on this computer. Click OK to begin.”
Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject (“”) “h:\”, 6, True
set wshshell = nothing
End If


Feb 01

Aug 21
